We welcome you to this website and hope you find it useful as you seek information, inspiration, or insight regarding opioid use disorders (OUD), alcohol use disorders (AUD), and methamphetamine use disorders (MUD). Although our content may have a distinct flavor from the Land of Enchantment (New Mexico), we believe our words and thoughts expressed online may have a more universal appeal and wider application for medication assisted treatment (MAT) with methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone. We hope to change the harsh reality, at least locally, that only 1 in 5 persons with OUD receive medications to treat this condition (NIDA, 2023).
Whether you are a consumer or provider in Las Cruces or Dona Ana County, this website may contribute to addressing the fact that substance use overdoses are the number one cause of death among American adults under the age of 50. The problem is so bad, in fact, that opioids are killing as many Americans, on an annual basis, as firearms. Alcohol is the fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United States. The first is tobacco. New Mexico has the highest alcohol-attributable mortality rate in the nation. Some alcohol related causes of death are associated with chronic diseases such as liver cirrhosis and throat, neck, or breast cancers as well as alcohol related injuries such as motor vehicle crashes, poisonings, falls, homicide, and suicide. We have also added methamphetamine use to our priorities as the Department of Health reports that this stimulant is increasing in overdose deaths. You may view our brochure on the Las Cruces Methamphetamine SSSS Project by clicking on the hyperlink.
As you can see above, the road appears straight without curves or twists, but obstacles like the rugged Organ Mountains may be in the way of the journey to recovery. We are here for that purpose...to get over or around those "personal" mountains, or the barriers to addiction recovery. Take the first step as a client to recovery by contacting us, and then we will help you with smart, small steps that result in great strides for recovering the quality of life you desire and deserve. Or take the first step as a provider to offer person-centered recovery services to your patients to improve access and outcomes of care/treatment by contacting us. Amador Health Center (AHC), a federally qualified health center (FQHC), is now formally collaborating withFamilies & Youth Innovations Plus (FYI+) as a partner in their Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC). You may visit AMADOR @ FYI+ co-located at 1320 S. Solano Dr. Suite 3 on the corner of Idaho Avenue or call the mobile helpline at 575-323-0012. More information about CCBHCs is found at the FYI+ website: https://fyiplusnm.org/ccbhc/. Both organizations are community non-profits that accept Medicaid and most private insurance and have a sliding fee discount program.
Recovery Reflections “I am my problem, but also my solution.” [Unknown] "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." [Jim Rohn] "Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change." [Jim Rohn] "He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything." [Thomas Carlyle] "The starting point for recovery is hope, not abstinence." [Jodie Gale] "The opposite of addiction isn't sobriety – it's connection." [Johann Hari]